Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heat in the Summer of 2011:

If it's Heat for your Feet, then WE probably Rock em/
New Release, Nike Quick Strikes, Probably Got'em/
Cheech and Chong on 4/20, Ain't comin out Boxes/
But I was talking Movies,
Yeah, Still we DeadSTock'em/
Payed our Dues in the Game,
Fresh Samples Stay Choppin/
Voted for Obama, now The Other Shoe is Droppin/
Damn Congressional Bullshit, Politicians stay robbin/
Grass Roots and Middle Class,
like it's the Approved Option/
Health Care for the Poor and Righteous???,
Hell Naw, that's Crazy Language/
Same discussion's been going on
since Slum Vill was droppin Tainted/
Funny how that applies now,
like Slum Vill freshly stated/
The Socio Political, rests hard, it's Heavily weighted/
Now days, Broads're playin games,
Story ain't changin'/
Used to be Hubby's,
now They just want dudes chasin/
I ain't Fido Baby, You Washed up and Hydro plainin'/
Trying to build Future, Liquid assets & 40 cals,
Prefer mine Nickle plated, Sexiest when Steel's Stainless/
Black and Gold like my Saint's is/
Punisher's War Stories, The Armory stays bangin/
Pictures Painted, getting framed in/
Like Sam I see what's Changin/
Heat in the Summer of 2011, It's gettin worse, start arrangements/

D. Abshire
April 15th, 2011~12:43a.m.