Friday, January 22, 2010

Haiti: We can't save Everyone

As I'm sitting here watching the news already feeling torn between my heart felt wantonness to help a people, our Haitian brothers and sisters merely out of humanity, and my head telling me there's only so much I can do deciphering what's logical, that I realize the title of this blog came to me...There are only so many people we can truly help....we can't save everyone...On that note, I want to explore what I'm seeing that caused this blog...I keep on seeing White people, American in Nationality, either adopting or helping to expedite the adoption process of these children needing homes...I see white People, either American or British, or be it African on the cameras helping these injured adults in Haiti...It makes me question it...Why is it that the cameras are on these WHITE peoples?
Is it:
A. Financial
1. Because they have the monitary ability to do so
a.If so, are they looking at these children as the new "in" trend, as if they were Liberal
Hippy Yuppies purchasing a Harley Davidson only to trade it in when the journey gets to
tough to travel...
b. Or do they genuinely have the same reasoning behind their efforts that I have behind
my thoughts, that we are all interconnected and these are truly our extended family
c. Or last but not least, because the people who do have money want to make it appear that
we as "White People" are kind and sincerely generous, trying to make up for whatever
guilty hang up they either consciously or subconsciously hang onto, thus paying for the
Camera to be shown onto them as some inscrutable ruse & sham

After all, the Motorcycle riding world knows you don't buy a Harley because the ride is smooth sailing...You buy it for the Power, you buy it for the prestige...On the same token, You don't adopt children idealy for those reasons, you do it out of Kindness and your own Humanitarian Heart...I guess I say all that because I find it hard to believe that NOT ONE Black Man or Woman got put on Camera...Not one Person of Color...I've got to believe that out of all the people who've adopted these children, or helped in the Hosptitals, SOMEONE had to be of a Darker complexion...I know too many activists in my own State...So why is it that what FOX News Deams "The Most Liberal" news conglomerate has yet to show anyone of color helping these children and these people? Why is it that only the lightest skinned people get interviewed predominately on BOTH CNN and FOX News? I appologize if this offends anyone reading it, but I can not appologize for my thoughts...It offends me that "We the People" are not being shown a More "Fair and Balanced" picture of what's going on...It bothers me that for some reason, People in Higher places still choose to Advance and Amplify stereotypes through slight of hand and sublimations subliminally...

Last but not least...Keep Haiti and it's people in your prayers Ladies and Gentleman...If we put enough positive energy into what we wish to happen, anything is possible...

D. Abshire