All I see is REal Evil/
85 % of them still got no clue/
Sad to say, they're Ill Feeble/
Dead Walking, pills and Needles/
Gross, the wounds bleed through/
No time, what matters is true/
Pragmatic, transparent, Sincerely, I will lead you/
My motives run the gambit, frantic, the panic seeds you/
No antics, Prayers from Mantis, Cannabis cups and avalanches,
painted broad scopes, on the easels/
Making airways for you to Breathe Through/
taking the clay out your eyes, making it easy to see through/
Find your Craft, board the vessel, cross the troubled waters like a Seadoo/
Don't be fooled, You've got a Mind that should be used/
Positive Movements, build Momentum, Fly like Eagles/
Push past the Gun metal blanket, Speckled Freedom, Aquamarine Blue/
to be continued, never tainted, Holding court, Serve and volley, there's no Plaintiff,
Imagery sharp as the ancients, Never be afraid to be You....
David A. Abshire
March 4th, 2011~1:51p.m.